Living for the Glory of God
You have heard these words before: Living for the Glory of God! The Mission Statement on the Queen of All Hearts’ (home page) Website has similar wording: We live this way so that Almighty God may be glorified in all that we are and in all that we do. St. Paul states the same in several of his letters, including Corinthians. How is this possible?
This thirteen minute Spiritual Insight begins with a Gospel and Homily. The mission retreat was given in Alabama recently, and begins with a discussion of the early Martyrs in North America. As letters were written from North America, exclaiming what they saw and preached in bringing the Lord to the New World, these letters influenced many to become missionaries back in their homelands in Europe.
The letters inspired many. These martyrs also lived the words of St. Paul. These men exist, so they might live for the praise of His Glory. We, ourselves exist, so that we might live for the praise of His Glory. If one is asked what is the purpose of life, this statement defines it. Not for just believers, but for all humans. As St. Paul states, the Glory of God is the human person fully alive.
Fullness is not what we do, what we acquire, not our family or career, but how in love our heart is to God. How does a martyr endure pain, and do so with an inner joyfulness? These men live for the Glory of God. Oh that we all can say that! The secret of inner joyfulness is to do everything for Him, and live for the praise of Glory from God.
Listen to this brief, but very insightful audio, and meditate on the message. We pray this brief Spiritual Insight influences your Spiritual Journey, and that you come to know the inner joyfulness of Living for the Glory of God!