Why Mary?
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Originally Aired on a Florida Radio Station
This four minute radio clip on Why Mary is specifically separated for those Christians that are beginning their Exploration of Marian Spirituality. The audio is part of a larger clip explaining what the Diocese of St. Augustine, Florida and the Queen of All Hearts are preparing as the diocese readies themselves for making their Act of Total Consecration in October 2020. Read more about this effort here.
This audio has been separated into a mini-library for those Exploring Marian Spirituality, and specifically, Montfort Spirituality.
Why Mary?
Why Mary? Jesus Christ! That is why one has a devotion to Mary. She is the one Through whom He came into this world. If someone asks Why Mary?, then we must turn to the Lord and ask Him that question! He shows us Mary! God always chooses the most perfect way, the most loving way, the most efficient way. He does so, because He is God! He choose the most perfect way to come into the world…and her name is Mary.
Listen to the remaining (4 minutes) discussion, including Jesus’ words from the Cross, on Why Mary!