The Honorable Atonement: The Four Sets of The Holy Rosary
Background: What is the Honorable Atonement Service?
When Fr. de Montfort preached his missions in the early 1700s, they would often last for several weeks (normally, four weeks). Back then the purpose of the mission series was to prepare people to receive the Blessed Sacrament. People did not receive the Blessed Sacrament on a weekly or even daily basis, so it was important, both then and now, to prepare oneself to receive the Lord. During the weekend of week two or three, Fr. de Montfort gave a service entitled: The Honorable Atonement Service. The service was dedicated to Our Lord to make reparation for the sins committed against Him and to express our sorrow.
Think, in the history of mankind, the number of times we have not considered the Lord when we walk into the holy Church; when we are not reverent before Him during Adoration; when we have not realized the sacrifice of Our Lord when we receive communion and immediately after it; when we pray and do not focus our mind on the Lord. These characteristics of mankind’s actions were prevalent in years past as they are today.
The service was outlined in the writings of St. Louis de Montfort and practiced in the 1700’s after his death. In a Montfort Publications dated in the 1780’s, this outline was recently rediscovered. Written in French, the service likely hasn’t been practiced in France, since the early 1800’s, and with almost complete confidence, it has not previously been given in English.
The service has recently been translated and this past year, for the first time, was held on Friday and Saturday July 5th and 6th at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, in Manorville, NY. From Friday at 7:00 PM until the conclusion of First Saturday Mass at around 1:00 PM the following day, a span of about 18 hours, members of The Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts prayed for the times we were not respectful to the Lord. During most of this time Adoration was held and prayers offered for all man-kind’s (including our own) atrocities against the Blessed Sacrament.
During the service a special Honorable Atonement prayer, that likely would have been said by St. Louis de Montfort during his missions, was also prayed. Additionally, during the Adoration, four sets of special Holy Rosary prayers were also prayed, each having a small reflection on the Mysteries in light of the special service.
We invite you, during this month of The Holy Rosary, to pray along each day listening to one or more of the sets of the Holy Rosary and pray along with the congregation. Use the mediations to help focus on the Mysteries.
We hope you find these recordings spiritually helpful and we pray this helps you on your own Spiritual Journey.

Pompeo Batoni (1708-1787)
In 1760, Pompeo Batoni painted the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This work became the official image for the popular devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and was inspired by the apparition of Jesus, under the title of the Sacred Heart, to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.
The Honorable Atonement Service: The Holy Rosary: The Joyful Mysteries
The Honorable Atonement Service: The Holy Rosary: The Sorrowful Mysteries
The Honorable Atonement Service: The Holy Rosary: The Glorious Mysteries
The Honorable Atonement Service: The Holy Rosary: The Illuminous Mysteries