Making a Good Act of Contrition
Have you ever wondered about absolution? Making a good Act of Contrition? Ever wonder if you are doing the confession correctly? Why should I go to confession? Can I confess to God directly? Do I really understand the Sacrament? How can I deepen my participation within this Sacrament? What should I confess? These are some of the questions that are at the foundation of this retreat day!
The retreat day begins with the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, by beginning with a request for grace of contrition for our sins. Prior to saying the Rosary, the audio begins with a description of what contrition really is for a Catholic. Listen to the Sorrowful Mysteries and pray with the congregation. The Rosary intertwines the Sorrowful Mysteries with a discussion on Contrition.
Mass Homily: Do You Want to Be Well … Gospel and Homily in Context of Contrition
Do you want to be well? … Pick up your mat, and be careful not to sin anymore. The physical healing is not the only healing that takes place in the Gospel. Jesus normally does not just heal a body, but rather man’s complete well-being. Listen to this Gospel and Homily in the context of the day’s Contrition Retreat.
Conference #1: Sacrament of Reconciliation: First two Elements: Contrition and Confession:
The conference begins with the reading of Psalm #51: A beautiful Psalm that is hundreds of years old and is very appropriate for the day’s retreat. We encourage you to read the psalm and rejoin the audio. For copyright reasons, the psalm reading was omitted from this audio.
St. Augustine says we need to look inward, rather than to external sacrifices. Look inward to have something sacrificed internally, so something better can grow in me. The audio ties this concept with the topic of conversion of the heart. It talks of the Act of Contrition. For someone to be healed, the sinful heart must change. Change is difficult. But one needs to be willing to change. Confession is more than just acknowledging wrong, but the ability to acknowledge that one will be different and to change. This topic is further explained within the retreat. For those that wish to understand the sacrament better, this retreat day will help significantly.
When one talks about the Sacrament, four elements are referenced: Contrition, Confession, Forgiveness and Satisfaction. All four elements must be understood to be able to understand the Sacrament.
Contrition is simply: Sorrow and grief of what I have done. It is a personal sorrow over my personal sins.
The audio further explains this and the difficulties for many to feel sorrow. Step #1 in Contrition is to make an Examination of Conscience. To help in this end, the audio refers us to a website, who a number of years ago, when working with young people, published a list of sins that should be confessed. There are a number of lists one may use in examining your own conscience. The list referenced is no longer available of that website. However, there are a number of lists available when searching the Internet or Google. Download a list as you continue to listen to the audio. The origin of the list is also explained in the audio.
Several Other Tools Are Available
There are also several other tools needed when examining the conscience. The first is to ask the Lord for grace, for His help in examining one’s conscience. The audio outlines additional specific tools to help within the examination process.
Confession is further discussed in the audio and illustrates what is confession, by telling the story of Adam and Eve after they fell from grace. Adam eventually confesses, but it is unworthy. Why? Because there is no contrition. Confession is the opportunity to confess our sins. Confessions must be specific. Listen to more about Confession and Contrition.
Conference #2: Elements: Forgiveness and Satisfaction
Bless me Father, for I have sinned…. this prayer is asking for the grace of God to help me to confess.
The conference thread continues. If I am moved to confession, why go to a priest? Why not confess directly to God? This is a topic often spoken by many people. It is vital to understand and recognize the Church’s role and the priest’s role in forgiving sins. This is addressed at the beginning of this conference session.
Continuing the discussion with the four elements on the Sacrament of Reconciliation: Forgiveness and Satisfaction.
Forgiveness: Before the priests extends his hands and pronounces the formula for sacramental absolution, the words have a specific form so that you know the sacramental forgiveness has been given to you. Before this happens, the priest asks you to make an Act of Contrition. This act is further explained as to why this action is required as a means to express your sorrow and the desire to change.
Satisfaction is the actual penance that is given by the priest. The person must satisfy, or make up for the wrong committed, or restitution. The audio covers this element, why it’s needed, and it’s importance.
The Queen of All Hearts prays that this retreat informs and enables all to incorporate the Sacrament of Confession into their life. More so, we hope all are more disposed to celebrate this Sacrament at a greater depth that helps their own spiritual development. We recommend you listen to all four audio sets to gain a deeper appreciation for the Sacrament of Confession.
1_The Holy Rosary: Sorrowful Mysteries in Context of Contrition
2_Gospel & Homily: Do You Want to Be Well? … In Context of Contrition
3_Making a Good Act of Contrition: First Two Elements of Sacrament: Contrition & Confession
4_Making a Good Act of Contrition: Sacramental Elements: Forgiveness & Satisfaction