The Conference begins with A Special Rosary Meditating on the Mystery of the Annunciation. We recommend all to select the link, listen and say the Rosary using this special meditation before continuing with this Conference Audio.
-1- Feast of the Annunciation: Gospel and Homily
The Feast of the Annunciation, or as St. Louis de Montfort called it, the Feast of the Incarnation, is not a feast day of Our Lady. Oh yes, she is critical in the events we celebrate. However, the feast is actually a feast honoring Our Lord (explained further in the Audio). For some, it is the greatest of all the Mysteries, the Word becoming Flesh. There is a Marian aspect to it, of course. But it is the day the Lord begins to reveal Himself to the world. But the world will not see him yet. The world will see Mary. Christ is present in its very heart of this feast day. Christ is its center. We do not see Christ directly. Our eyes do not see Him. We see Mary. Christ is content to come into the world, hidden within Mary. He is present, but hidden. The Word becomes flesh, but how does he come into this world? Through Mary, In Mary, With Mary, By Mary.
When we meditate on this Mystery, out of which all the other Mysteries spring from, what we are looking to learn is the way of Jesus Christ, to see the goodness of Jesus Christ. What we desire to know and meet is the Glory of Jesus Christ. But we can not seek this and desire this, without Mary. The more we peer at Our Lady, the more our focus will be on Christ. Jesus does things perfectly. And His way is Through Mary, that He decides to save us all. What a remarkable Mystery! Listen to the Annunciation Gospel and the Homily, which explores the Feast Day beyond the obvious and sets us up for a further discussion and conference.
-2- Conference: Feast of the Annunciation:
If one has made the Act of Total Consecration, and does not have devotion to this Feast day, then that person … simply, did not make the Act of Total Consecration according to St. Louis de Montfort. It is impossible to do one, without the other! Having read a book, said the special prayer, have a love for Our Lady, and have a love for Our Lord…all of this is not enough. That is all good, but is not enough. There is no following the way proposed by St. Louis de Montfort without having a devotion to this feast day.
Now, for all of those that have made the Act of Total Consecration, or are in the process of preparation, what does that statement mean? The essence of Fr. de Montfort teachings is it springs out of the love for this Mystery and out of the power of this Mystery. What then, does it mean to have a devotion to this Mystery? Hear more about this essential element and how it should influence our Spiritual Journey.
Jesus, the Son of the Father is also Jesus, the Son of Mary. Jesus rests with His Father, and also rests in Mary. And He wants to share this with us. It is not Mary, taking us by the hand and leading us to Jesus. It is Jesus, giving us Mary, so we may also find rest in her. If you ever wanted to explain some of the crucial elements of the Spirituality of St. Louis de Montfort, listen to this audio as it is covered within what Fr. de Montfort says is the greatest of all Mysteries.
-3- Feast of the Annunciation Renewal Ceremony
In this special 30 minute audio, the congregation of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island renews its Consecration to Mary. Before doing so, we are introduced to a special image: Our Lady of the Annunciation, Queen of All Hearts is a 100+ year old image from Peru, and is the fruit of many saying I Am All Yours….it was made possible by a group who went through together the Preparation program and made an Act of Total Consecration Prayer together. A picture of the image appears within this post (double click on the image to make it larger).
The congregation made its renewal, …by listening, not saying out loud the Prayer of Consecration. Join in and pray this prayer on this special Feast day. After the special prayer, the congregation kneeled in front of the statue and prayed to her. The audio concludes with a final prayer and blessing. We hope all, members listen to this Preparation for Holy Week: Conference Audio, and this aides you in your Spiritual Journey.
Prayer to Our Lady of the Island, Queen of All Hearts This special prayer was revealed earlier on this Feast Day and is repeated here once more. It is a special prayer for Our Lady. Listen to it again, and receive its blessings!
Feast of the Annunciation: Gospel and Homily
Conference: Feast of the Annunciation
Feast of the Annunciation Renewal Ceremony
Prayer to Our Lady of the Island, Queen of All Hearts